
26th Annual Student Show & Vose Scholarship

Friday, January 19th

Co|So’s 26th Annual Student Show is open for submissions. This month long juried exhibition is open to all art students in New England, aged 18 and over and enrolled full-time in a studio arts program at the undergraduate or graduate level. The jury will consider work from all genres and media including photography, painting, print-making, video, and sculpture. Please see the rules and regulations and fill out a jury entry form.

We will also be awarding the $4,000 Vose Scholarship at this time. This generous scholarship is sponsored by the Vose family and awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student pursuing studies in American Art History.

Submissions for the 26th Annual Student Show and the Vose Scholarship are due by January 19, 2018. Students will be notified of the juror’s selections by email by January 30, 2018. The 26th Annual Student Show will open at the Copley Society of Art in Boston on Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 5:30pm.