Turret on Marlborough Street
Hugh Maguire’s book entitled “My First 40 Jobs: A Memoir” describes Marlborough Street in the Back Bay section of Boston, MA this way: “Marlborough Street is filled with old red brick townhouses, condominiums, and apartments three to five stories high featuring countless bay windows, gables, turrets; and you can look inside some windows and see brilliant chandeliers shining from high-ceilinged, spacious rooms. In front were tiny plots of grass bordered by high, black iron fences harkening back to the 1800’s. Tulips, roses, daffodils, hyacinth, crocuses, azaleas and rhododendron bushes brighten the eyes on these tiny lawns. Dogwood and magnolia trees planted a century earlier on the sidewalks and on some miniature lawns turned spring in Marlborough Street into an unforgettable sight. To this day I consider Marlborough Street the most beautiful street in Boston.”
I would be hard pressed to argue with him. Marlborough Street has been the subject of several my paintings now, all of which have been sold. This painting features a stretch of homes on Marlborough Street between Fairfield and Gloucester Streets, and the starring role goes to the home with the magnificent slate shingled turret.