JoEllen Reinhardt
Jo Ellen Reinhardt, a classically trained artist, has a unique gift of capturing the beauty in a portrait, still life, or landscape painting. Jo Ellen received her classical training at the former New School of Classical Art in Rhode Island, studied Scientific and Technical Illustration at Rhode Island School of Design, and earned a BA in art from Westfield State University. She is a signature member of the renowned Copley Society of Art including their portrait registry, historic Rockport Art Association & Museum, North Shore Art Association, Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, and Academic Artists Association. Current works may also be found at Gallery Antonia in Chatham and Francesca Anderson Fine Art in Lexington, Massachusetts. Her artwork has received many accolades including Best in Show Small Stones Festival of Arts 2020 and First Place Honor Award in Oil Academic Artists Association 2022, the Elliot Liskin Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting, Rockport Art Association 2022 as well as many other distinguished awards and honorable mentions. Moved by her passion for preserving the techniques and methods of realistic art, in 2014 she co-founded the New England School of Fine Art, located in historic downtown Worcester, Massachusetts. In addition to teaching at NESFA, JoEllen’s experiences comprise a decade of teaching at distinguished institutions including Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the Worcester Art Museum, jurying art exhibitions, giving demonstrations at local art associations, and teaching landscape painting abroad in Italy.