Kelly Russo
Growing up in the Boston area, Kelly attended Massachusetts College of Art & Design where earned her Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Art as well as a Master’s Degree in Art Education.
After teaching and working as a full time art teacher in the public school system, Kelly took time out to start her family. Kelly has made a renewed effort to get back into the studio and has created a large body of work. She has begun to show her work over the past year at many local Art Associations and Galleries. She has recently been juried in as a new Gallery Artist at The South Shore Art Center in Cohassett, MA.
This work emotes imagery of place and time with playful and controlled shapes and color, often feeling like organizing chaos. This process is familiar in the other major part of my life…parenting four children. As an artist/mother the work isn’t necessarily about my own children or own childhood but rather all the emotions, including playful and painful ones that that go along with it.
The work reveals personalities and emotions that have conversations with each other about shape, space and color. The act of painting itself is also a metaphor for what we reveal and conceal about ourselves, moving through space and time, collecting emotions and deciding what we will put on the surface. All of this comes up in the work through layers, creating space and atmosphere, and interactions of color and shape.