Winter Members Show: Out in the Cold

By admin on March 12, 2016

We would like to congratulate Jeanne Rosier Smith, Joyce Zavorskas and Marielouise Hutchinson on their awards. Rosier Smith won the First Prize for her Cold Dip, pastel. Zavorskas was awarded Second Prize for her Winter Beach, monotype. Hutchinson received the Third Prize for Snow Moon, oil on panel. We would like to thank Michael David, Chair of the Fine Arts Department at Lesley University for jurying the Winter Members Show.

Another one of our artists, Marija McCarthy, received the Gold Medal at the 2016 Signature Members Show at the Guild of Boston Artists for her watercolor, Home of Cezanne. You can see her more of her work at our Winter Members Show; her oil on linen, Parkland in Fog, is on display now.

Winter, in its quietness and solitude, is often seen as the season of thoughtful reflection. Blankets of snow cover the wild growth of summer, leaving bare for contemplation the structures of the world around us. Jason Sawtelle, in his oil painting After the Storm, examines the play of light off brambles highlighted by a fresh snow. Other artists, such as Mikel Wintermantel and Laureen Hylka, step back to examine the crispy and refreshing atmosphere. Landscapes such as these remind us of the awe inspiring beauty of winter, and prove why the genre will never go out of style or loose prevalence in the contemporary art world.

As we all know, winter is not contained to the woods and countryside. Coleman Rogers plays with the stillness of winter in an urban setting, using photography to capture the quiet streets buried in snow. Brian Dubina, on the other hand, shows us Boston in winter, the river and the traffic carving out spaces of movement despite the snow.
Other artists turn their focus indoors, on the comforts we indulge in during the cold season. Elaine Gardner’s still life Onions and Leeks brings to mind the comfort of homemade soups and warm kitchens. Joan Clark’s still life Three Pears beautifully renders this winter treat in oil on panel.

This show brings exciting new mediums. Debby Krim uses face-mounted photography to bring the cool, reflective ice she photographs indoors. The image is striking in its detail and size. Robin Samiljan captures the cool colors of winter in an encaustic diptych.

All these works and more are on display through April 3rd 2016 in the upper gallery at the Copley Society of Art. Don’t forget to check out more works by Co|So artists. Small Works: Chill Out is on display in the lower gallery also through April 3rd.

Lauren W. Warford
