Co|So Artists : Holiday Small Works
Past Exhibition
November 9 - December 24, 2017Holiday Small works will be on view in the upper and lower galleries from November 9 through December 24. Read more in the press release.

Awards of merit
- Season’s Greetings by Marieluise Hutchinson, CM
- Moonlight on New Snow by Marieluise Hutchinson, CM
- Oranges by Nicholas Read, CA
- Rockport Quarry by Nicholas Read, CA
- Boats, Monhegan Island by Nicholas Read, CA
- Sunday Best by Lori Mehta, CA
- Comfort by Lori Mehta, CA
- After Dinner Mints by Robin Frisella PSA-MP, IAPS/MC
- Sweet and Sour by Robin Frisella PSA-MP, IAPS/MC
- Pure sweetness by Robin Frisella PSA-MP, IAPS/MC
- Lemons and pearls by Robin Frisella PSA-MP, IAPS/MC
- The Light This Morning by Timothy Neill, CA
- Winter Warm by Cindy Crimmin, CA
- January Dawn by Cindy Crimmin, CA
- Early Snow by Cindy Crimmin, CA
- Positano Awnings by Cindy Crimmin, CA
- Citrine and Amber Study by Cindy Crimmin, CA
- Gloucester Bass Rocks by Gary Davis, CA
- Bass Rocks #2 by Gary Davis, CA
- Bass Rocks #1 by Gary Davis, CA
- Gloucester Sunset by Gary Davis, CA
- Beken Beautiful by Nicolas Fox
- Americas Cup 1893 by Nicolas Fox
- Magpie by Nicolas Fox
- Speedsters by Nicolas Fox
- Essex Marsh by Nicolas Fox
- White Oak by Joe Smith, CA
- Aunt Kareen’s Hallway by Joe Smith, CA
- Deep Cut Gardens II by Joe Smith, CA
- Evening Marsh by Del-Bourree Bach, CM
- Dusk Harbor by Del-Bourree Bach, CM
- Red at Rest by Del-Bourree Bach, CM
- Shaker 8 by Joe Reardon, CA
- Reeds by Joe Reardon, CA
- Shaker 7 by Joe Reardon, CA
- Bandon Horses by Joe Reardon, CA
- Shaker 6 by Joe Reardon, CA
- Roquefort and Sweet Pear by Jeanne Rosier Smith, CM
- Sweetened by Sunshine by Jeanne Rosier Smith, CM
- January Thaw by Jeanne Rosier Smith, CM
- White Pine by Jeanne Rosier Smith, CM
- Celebration by Jeanne Rosier Smith, CM
- Evening Sun by Kate Sullivan, CM
- Morning Waiting by Kate Sullivan, CM
- Lily Pads by Johan Bjurman
- Mirror Image by Johan Bjurman
- Finch With Cherry by Barney Levitt, CM
- Blue Bottle With Pumpkin by Barney Levitt, CM
- Three Cherries by Barney Levitt, CM
- Sibling Rivalry by Barney Levitt, CM
- Half A Cherry by Barney Levitt, CM
- Maine Lupine by Marguerite Moore, CA
- Day Sailor by Marguerite Moore, CA
- Cohasset Yacht Club by Marguerite Moore, CA
- Late Summer, Damon’s Point by Marguerite Moore, CA
- First Light by Marguerite Moore, CA
- Robie Tests Hybrid # 3 by Richard Field, CA
- The Great Cheese Festival by Richard Field, CA
- Slow Day at the Races by Richard Field, CA
- The Album by Richard Field, CA
- The Sretch Tractor by Richard Field, CA
- Sacred Stones by Robin Samiljan, CA
- Out to Pasture by Robin Samiljan, CA
- Stone Wall in Ballyvaughan by Robin Samiljan, CA
- Roadside Freesia by Robin Samiljan, CA
- A Time to Remember by Robin Samiljan, CA